During the fall, winter, and spring, the Cathedral Choir sings a monthly Sung Vespers preceded by an organ recital prelude featuring different organists from around our region.
A wine and cheese reception follows each Vespers. All are welcome.
What is Vespers?
Vespers, or evening prayer, is a liturgy where the people of God give thanks for the day that is ending and pray for peace during the night that is to come. The choir leads those present in the singing of psalms, canticles, and hymns by candlelight.
How long does it last?
The prelude recital and vespers combined will last less than one hour.
Who should attend?
Everyone! Since it is not a Eucharistic liturgy, it is a perfect opportunity to invite a non-Catholic friend to experience music, prayer, and fellowship at the Cathedral.
Will childcare be available?
If you are interested in attending the liturgy and reception and need childcare, please email [email protected]. If there is a need for this service, we will provide it free of charge!
Sunday, September 15 – 5:00 p.m.
Choral Vespers with Organ Recital Prelude
The Cathedral Choir will sing works by Charles Villiers Stanford and the prelude recital will feature Joseph Ripka, Canon Musician at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. A reception will follow in Monsignor Connor Center. Click Here to view the bulletin online.
Sunday, November 17 – 5:00 p.m.
Choral Vespers with Organ Recital Prelude
The Cathedral Choir will sing works by the Renaissance composer John Sheppard and the prelude recital will feature Lyndon Meyer, Director of Music at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Tulsa, and Music Director of the Tulsa Opera. A reception will follow in Monsignor Connor Center. A reception will follow in Monsignor Connor Center. Click Here to view the bulletin online.
Sunday, February 9 – 5:00 p.m.
Choral Vespers with Organ Recital Prelude
The Cathedral Choir will sing works by John Rutter and the prelude recital will feature Casey Cantwell, Director of Music at Trinity Episcopal Church, Tulsa. A reception will follow. Click here to view the bulletin online.
Sunday, March 16 – 5:00 p.m.
Choral Vespers with Organ Recital Prelude
The Cathedral Choir will sing Gregorian Chant and renaissance anthems from the Apse of the Cathedral and the recital will feature Rebecca te Velde, a published Oxford composer and Organist Emeritus at First Presbyterian, Stillwater.
Sunday, May 18 – 5:00 p.m.
Choral Vespers with Organ Recital Prelude
The choirs of Our Lady's Cathedral (Catholic) and St. Paul's Cathedral (Episcopal) will sing works by Herbert Howells. The prelude recital will feature David Henning, Director of Music at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Houston. A reception will follow.